I posted this thread in autumn last year and and have not really had the opportunity to ride the bike seriously until the last few days.
We have a ´77 750, running a 4to1 marshall, pods, 125 mainjets (6 up from standard) the needles have been raised 2 notches, carbs synched, and I have adjusted the fuel mix at idle using a morgan colourtune. When I used the colourtune I noted that I got just blue at idle, yellowy orange in the midrange and blue in the top end. I have not done plug chops as I have just not had the time.
The bike is still popping in the midrange.
Another thing worth noting is that in the autumn I took it on a short 10-15 km trip to buy some foam. After getting on the motorway (still popping) the bike died just short of my destination, had been doing about 120km for less than 5 min. I managed after a bit of waiting and pushing to get it started and home (stalled once or twice on the motorway on the way home).
I just tried to do the same trip today, again to buy the foam I never got the first time. The bike stalled about 500m short of where it stalled the first time. This time I was a little smarter and checked a few things. The 2 right hand cylinders had lost spark (the exhausts were notably cooler). I could also start the bike straight away on full choke, but not get it to run with anything less than full choke. After just a few minutes I had it running normally and all 4 pipes were hot. I made it to the foam shop and kept my speed down to about 80-90 (no popping) and made it all the way home without any further problems.
I have taken the carbs home and am planning on spending my evening adjusting them as it is my guess that that is where the problem lies. My thoughts were to take the needle up to 3 notches as I can't really think of anything else to do.
Maybe also worth noting is that I attempted to change the camchain as it is a bit noisy but manged to kill my chain splitter splitting the new chain so given the fact that I need my bike running on monday, with or without a camchain rattle I decided to take that no further. But on reassembling the top of my head and starting the bike I noticed that it had developed a tapping sound that I figured could only be a valve. I then found out how to check clearances and discovered where the tapping came from, one of the intake valves had .14 gap instead of the .3-.8 allowed. Not having the shim removal tool I just took the cams out again, checked the existing shim thickness out, put the cam back in and ordered the new shim (and special tool) Upon assembling it all again the valve noise was gone and I haven't re-checked the gaps yet, but thought that this was worth mentioning in the process of trouble shooting my problem.
Any ideas? I realize that plug chops are a good idea and if necessary could do them on Monday but figured that I must have a bit to go on already...
Any ideas?
p.s. just pulled one of the carbs apart and found I can't move the clip any further down. Do I have to go up a size in main jet then?