When I put them back on the bike, cylinders 3 and 4 were flooding with fuel at idle. I thought maybe it wasn't getting spark. So I tested the plugs against the engine block, and sure enough SPARK! So, it must be a carb issue. So BAAAAACK off the bike the carbs go. I get in to them and lo and behold, I didn't get the pilot jets tightend down properly in those two carbs. So, BAAAAACK on the bike they go.
I start the bad boy up, now cylinders 2 and 3 looked like they were not getting any spark at all. I thought maybe one of the coils was bad. So I checked that by switching the plug wires around. She fired on 1 and 4, but not two and three again. by this time, I realized that I had forgot to tighten the clamps on the intake boots when I replaced the carbs the last time. So, tightened those bad boys up, and she fires up and runs good at idle.... for about 2 minutes... and then fuel starts leaking out of the air box. !%#$. I took the airbox off, and saw that it was carb #3 that was flooding the airbox. grrrrrrrrrr....... so BAAAAAAACK off the carbs go... now this is where I made a mistake. I had 2 options... 1. just take that carb apart again, and dip it. Or #2, check the float height and go from there.
I chose option 2. I checked the float height, and it was out of spec, (it measure 20mm. So I thought that must be it. so last night I put the carbs BAAAAAAACK on the bike. Start her up, idles fine.... for about 2 minutes, and then voila! fuel running out of the airbox.
BAAAAAAACK off the bike the carbs came. took the rack apart last night and dipped that POS in Berryman's. I got to thinking about when I dipped the carbs last.. I didn't dip carb #3 because of the plastic piece of the idle knob. But this time I took the knob off and dipped everything.
I rinsed everything off with a hose, and blew them out with air. When I get home this evening I'm going to re-bench sync the carbs and put them back on. HOPEFULLY that fixes it.....
Lessons learned so far,
1. Do things the correct, thorough way first.
2. make sure you put things back together properly.