So yesterday I had it out all day and I put about 40 miles on it through the back roads and city. I ripped on it a bunch of times and also casually drove it through heavier traffic. So today I changed the oil and filter and I pulled all the plugs to check the coloring... The 2 cylinders on the right hand side of the bike were white. As in the electrode was white with a light flaky layer on them and the center ceramic was virgin white. The outside cylinder on the left hand side (This is sitting on the bike mind you) was also white and the same as the other 2. The second spark plug in from the left side was BLACK. Like, completely black. I cleaned it up with a wire brush and some carb cleaner... But does anyone have some suggestions?
I'm getting ready to put the pod filters on in a couple of days but before I go and pull the stock airbox/filter setup off I want all the cylinders to be running the same and properly.
So a black plug, it's most likely running damn rich in that cylinder, but why? If all the jets/needles are the same... Then that must mean that maybe the float height isn't proper in that carb or the needle valve on the float is leaking? Or might it be something a little simpler?
** Could it also have anything to do with the valve adjustment? When I get my new valve cover gasket I'm going to pull the cover and check the clearances.