When the bike had ~3500 miles on it, I rebuilt the carbs (completely disassembled each one and dipped for 24+ hours; replaced all o-rings with Robert Barr’s kit), replaced the intake boot o-rings, synced the carbs with the Morgan Carbtune, colortuned each cylinder to get the best fuel/air mixture, used weatherstripping to ensure a good seal between the air filter and the airbox). I did not replace the intake boots as they seemed to be in excellent condition.
Since this problem began, I have checked the timing/points, checked the valve clearances (all good), checked the petcock (works perfectly, no leaks), and ran the bike on prime & loosened the fuel cap (to eliminate the possibility of it being a vacuum issue). In every instance the problem persisted. When I replaced the vacuum line to the fuel tank and the fuel line, the problem went away for about half a day, but returned when I went back to work after lunch. I am thinking that this was just a coincidence. I pulled and inspected the carbs again, ensuring that the main jets looked good and that there were no clogged passages. At the same time, I also raised each needle jet (by lowering the clip to the center position) (based on recommendation from Clymer's manual for this symptom). Problem still persisted. I did not have any WD-40, but I sprayed carb cleaner on the intake boots while the bike was warmed up and idling and there was no change in engine speed (leading me to believe that the intake boots are fine).
Most of these things I simply checked for good measure, but I am thinking that it is most likely something simple since the problem began while I was driving it rather than after I had tinkered with it in some way.
My next step is to pull and dip the carbs again. Other than that, I am at a complete loss. Any tips/ideas would be extremely helpful.