I've got a baffling little problem with my GS1000 resurrection project that I'm wondering you may be able to shed some light on.
Basically I appear to have some sort of backfire originating from carbie #1, which sounds like a "PFFFT" sound that comes out of the pod air filter at random intervals.
It is most pronounced on warm-up, but still happens when you are cruising along at a moderate speed even when the engine is fully warmed-up. When you hear the "PFFFT" sound from the carbie, the bike momentarily will lose power and then in an instant carry on like nothing has happened, until the next "PFFFT", and so on.

A few items of further information before you all start asking questions:
1. The bike, as I mentioned, has pleated pod filters installed. These were cleaned with warm soapy water, dried, and lightly oiled before installation.
2. The bike has a set of Yoshi cams installed, which appear to give about 0.7 to 0.8mm extra lift. The valve clearances are currently set at 0.15mm for both inlet and exhaust, which is the best info I could find on the internet, and asking questions here on the GSR forum.
3. I have a 4-into-1 exhaust system installed, with a long 'straight through' muffler of my own devising. This is a quiet enough system, with a 2" opening at the end of the muffler.
4. I have new spark plugs installed, and tried swapping out the plug on cylinder #1, but that has not changed a thing.
5. There are new NGK spark plug caps installed, the type with resistors built-in.
6. I have tried setting the air screws and pilot fuel screws to the 'factory settings' (ie. 1 1/4 and 3/4 turns out from lightly seated, respectively). And then I have tried richening the mixture on cylinder #1 up to 2 turns out on the fuel screw, but this hasn't changed anything.
7. The valves were freshly lapped-in by myself during the rebuild.
8. The cylinders have been freshly honed, and a fresh set of piston rings installed. Everything was well within tolerances.
9. All the jets in the carburettor and the needles are all the correct size, and appear to be in good visual condition. I have new main jets and new needle jets installed.
10. The carbies were cleaned out using carbie cleaning fluid and compressed air through all the passages and nooks and crannies.
11. I have not yet changed any of the small O-rings for the air or fuel screws.
12. The rubber inlet manifolds are brand new Suzuki items, installed with new O-rings and clamps.
I'm not even sure that 'backfiring' is the correct term for what I have happening with cylinder #1, but there is definitely a forceful 'pulse' or 'puff' of pressure coming back through the carb in instantaneous but irregular bursts. I mean, you can SEE the pod filters pleats flexing outwards whenever it happens and makes that accompanying "PFFFT" sound.
I have a Gunson 'color tune' kit arriving sometime in the next couple of weeks, which will help me get the pilot mixtures bang-on. Until then, it's all guesswork, and I've never had any joy with the 'highest idle speed' method, I'm afraid.
So, what do you think may be causing my problem on #1 cylinder?!
Thanks in advance,