The Rules:
RULE #1.) The prize is shown below. delivered to the winner via USPS.
RULE #2) First person to correctly answer the following question by posting the CORRECT answer and the CORRECT explanation to this thread.
Determining if an answer is CORRECT should be unambiguous; it is #1,#2,#3,#4,#5, or #6.
On the other hand, you need to explain in at least simple term why the answer is correct. I'll be the judge of what is a suitable explanation.
RULE #3)
The question is:
a.) Charge your battery
b.) Provide power to the GS loads (light, coils, igniter, bells, whistles, etc).
The power originates in the stator as AC voltage and current, but the R/R transforms this power into DC power at nominally +14V.
The power and current comes from the R/R out of the R/R(+) RED leg and splits part going to the battery and part going to the GS load.
The Question is : Of the 6 option shown below which one is CORRECT? Note the Red Currents are shown correctly, so which return current figure is CORRECT?
Rule #5) Contest ends 6:00 PM Sunday Nite April 18th 2010
P.S. HINT : The Suzuki Manual has the answer under "Charging System"