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'80 GS850 Sparking Issues

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    '80 GS850 Sparking Issues

    My 850, which I just acquired a few weeks ago, has some issues that have me stumped.

    The oddest one is that #1 is slow to warm up when first started. I can put my hand on the #1 exhaust pipe for several minutes, while the other 3 can't be touched almost immediately.

    I've noticed that the #1 spark seems feeble, compared to the others, when checking spark with a new plug, same one going onto each lead in turn. The bike has new NGK plug caps, and original coils and wires. The battery (new) is charged right up, and shows 12.6 volts. The 1-4 coil orange and white shows 11volts, while the 2-3 O/W shows 10 volts.

    After shutting down, the 1,2, and 3 plugs show soot and dampness (i.e. rich), while the #4 plug is tan colour, and dry. Idle is a bit rough. Carbs have apparently been "done", and synced by a Suzuki shop.

    Bike sat for about 4 years after carb work (as I type this part, I realize that I'll have to go back into carbs myself).

    PO apparently put some "combustion cleaner" in the tank with a bit of gas....what does this stuff do? Bike does smoke when on the highway....warn or stuck rings? No smoke on startup. Started running on 3 cylinders after riding less than 50 klicks on new plugs. I think it's #1.

    So, the big question is, do I have a project, or a nice parts bike? Any input is welcome...constructive input will be be met with a big thank you.

    I'm trying to sell one of the other bikes to finance whatever this one needs.....sigh.....


    Your bike has the same story that thousands here have.

    READ ME. <<Click.

    Start with clean carbs, healthy charging system, valve adjustment, etc. Move on to brakes, forks, tires, etc.

    That'll about do it.

    Thank you for your indulgence,



      Thanks, Basscliff, I figgered it was "D - all of the above".....


        Originally posted by Runningdog View Post
        Thanks, Basscliff, I figgered it was "D - all of the above".....
        Ha! Yep, that's about all you can do when resurrecting a classic.

        I like to put some Seafoam in my gas once in a while. There are additive threads by the hundreds in the forum so a search should easily pull up all the info you need.

        This one, for example:

        If you use a lot, Seafoam will smoke for a while. Some additives try to clean the carbs, others the combustion chamber. Some think it's all snake oil. But I think my bike likes the Seafoam once in a while for maintenance. It's her "chocolate".

        Mostly, if you just ride these bike they won't develop the "gunk in the carbs" problems. One thing that kills these bikes is sitting for a long time. Keep us informed. Don't forget, we like pictures too.

        Thank you for your indulgence,



          Well, a busy month addressing the niggling "little" issues....

          Aside from the new Russell braided lines, ignition/intake has had the following:

          - new boots and o-rings.
          - new Dyna coils and wires

          Still had two cold cylinders (i.e. no firing) after replacing the coils, etc. They were on #1 and #2, so not necessarily coils/shabby wire installation.
          Swapped one bad plug to a good cylinder, and, lo and behold, the problem migrated.....$10 fix, including gas to go get new plugs. Don't assume that plugs are good if they look newish.

          Bike runs very well now, and stops, too. Doesn't like idling in traffic, but clear throat quickly once moving....will look inside carbs in the has, after all, been mainly sitting since 2006, so sketchy carb operation is a given.

          When I first got the bike, it would smoke when on the pipe (hauling ass up long hills, for instance)....oh, yeah, bikes been sitting for 4 years...change oil, idiot....drained over 4 litres out....that'll do smoke now.....don't overfill oil!!!

          Very nice runner on the highway, now...



            Your bike sure looks familiar. and I see you're missing the grab rail for the seat.
            P.S. and the seat moldings too.
            Last edited by rustybronco; 08-03-2010, 04:21 PM.
            De-stinking Penelope



              Uuhhh, they actually have grab rails.........I haven't seen a grab rail on an 850 yet, they all seem to go astray up here.....looking for one, tho', at least keeping my eyes open, in case I trip over one...and I may fake the mouldings with aftermarket stuff
              Last edited by Guest; 08-03-2010, 10:02 PM.


                Hi, I have a 79 850 and I can't trace the spark problem. Runs decent on 1&4 but 2&3 random spark, mostly dead. Replaced the coils, points and condensors still no action. Traced all the wiring no sign of a problem to fix. I probably posted in the wrong spot, I'm just a bit frustrated. anybody with an idea please write Also tach seems to have froze on the tach itself, is that common? tried to turn it manually but it's not going to budge. Thanks anybody....................Ron

