So far a have gone from a pile of parts to a rolling/starting chassis.
I have spent hours reading threads on this form, many of which were very helpful but i have not read anything to help me with my current problem.
So as i mentioned earlier I have a rolling / running GS750. Now that it is running I want to know how fast it is running. so a few days ago I fitted the tach. I have installed tachs in cars so no biggie rite? well...
Well I opened up the gauge cluster and read the back of the tach PCB and deduced that orange + white - and brown is the trigger.
so gave it power and took trigger from one of the coils and fired it up.....
The tach did nothing.... so i spent time reading some posts and using my tester to check resistor values. I found 1 resistor with much higher Ohm than it should. I could not read it so i went down to a local radio shack like place near by and asked what it was and he said 33ohm resistor most likely a 2watt.
I bought it soldered it in wired it up to my bike turned the key and before I could use my handy dandy starter motor trigger the tach was all ready climbing to redline???
So I have a tach that when ever it has DC power the needle will climd (12.8v= pinned at redline) (6.8v= 7000rpm) (4.3v=2000rpm)
just thought Id throw those last figures in for fun I had some button cells around and I was in a curious mood.
any help with this would be great. I would rather fix this tach than buy another one from ebay.