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replacing horn and starter button

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    replacing horn and starter button

    I was seaching and did not see anything about how to take the switches out. I dont want to break anything. I have not taken the controls off yet seemed better to search or ask first. I know horn is bad because past owner added a horn button so far away I could not hit it without taking hand from the grip, starter button requires alot of moving it around until it makes the starter turns over. I am more worried about small parts with spring shooting across floor, how to seperate the part the switchs are in.Not sure what to call it. Any ideas on how to take the housing apart. Thanks for any help.

    Easy just two screws on bottom of units. Everythings nice and visable once their off and you'll wonder why you ever worried. Honestly the only spring is the one that returns the horn button to centre. Always handy to keep workspace clear lust incase but you'll be fine.

    Just one quick note.. Disconect the battery first we don't want any 12v surprises now do we!


      Thanks I'm going to order replacements today.


        I strongly recommend you take this apart in a gallon baggie. There are some tiny parts in there (like the spring) that love to play the game "Lets visit the missing sock from the dryer" and can be a bear to track down.

