I found this post going over the use of an Arduino module that has a digital display, LEDs, and multiple buttons.
And after watching the video at the bottom of that page, this would be an awesome way to implement a tachometer, gear indicator, and even fuel level meter (could even do a speedometer) using all of the stock sensors.
Now, there are multiple ways that the AVR microcontroller (MCU) on the Arduino can interface with the ignitor unit (well, off of the coil input). One option is an external frequency to voltage converter (read through the data sheet on the LM2907 and got lost), which then gets read on an input to the MCU. Another is to connect the coil input directly (through a voltage divider or something) to an input pin, then poll it or set an interrupt. The code will then calculate the frequency.
However, this is all pointless unless I know how the ignitor works. I read the sticky thread by kokar which is pretty impressive. I know the ignitor on the GS650 is different, but it is pretty much connected the same way. To me it seems that ignitor powers up the primary coil by opening up a ground connection (+ is always connected to the coil), and it uses the signal from the signal generator to know when to close the connection, causing the coil to fire to the plug. If this is the case, couldn't I just check how often the (-) side of the coil is pulled low? Will I have any scary voltage spikes on the primary coil circuit? It's at this point that I tend to get lost when people start talking about how to get a reliable voltage value on an input.
I've done AVR programming before, so I have that covered. I'm just hoping to figure out a simple way to obtain a frequency signal without having to get a degree in electrical engineering. Any help would be appreciated!