I've got my '79 GS1000 project that I'm working on, trying to sleuth out a problem which is, I suspect, ignition-related. The details on that can wait, as my current question is fairly specific. Here goes:
There is a fair bit more sparking/arcing visible from the points which feed cylinders 1&4, when compared to the points which feed cylinders 2&3. The points of 1&4 spits a fairly constant little shower of tiny sparks out into the open air immediately around the gap, whereas the points of 2&3 only ever give the tiniest little spark inside the gap once in a while.
So, at first thought it had to be condenser-related. I tried another condenser, but the excessive arcing/ spitting of small sparks was unchanged. So then I swapped the condensers over, and the arcing still stayed with the points that feed cylinders 1&4.
Naturally, in the interests of further elimination, I'd like to swap the points over... but you can't do that as they are left/right specific, of course.
I have tried cleaning back the points for 1&4 with 400-grit emery (wet&dry) paper, but this only made it worse. And yes, I have gapped the points, set the timing, etc.
So my question is, Is the excessive arcing DEFINITELY a symptom of the points needing renewal? OR could this arcing be prompted/caused by something further on in the bike's circuitry, eg. a dodgy bit of wiring, or... ???
Thanks folks.