WARNING IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING CHANGING OVER TO LED's (with no BALLASTS) without swapping out your R/R to a SERIES you will add much more stress to your stator, hastening it's demise even faster than the path it is already on.
With mathematical certainty:
GET a SERIES R/R and start swapping out incandescent lights for LEDs
OK I have been recently looking at ways to retain my Turn Signal Cancel Unit (TSCU) function after I convert to LED signal lights and will have swapped out my OEM signal flasher for an LED signal flasher. The well understood problem is that the Turn cancel function wont work any more once you swap out the original OEM flasher. Something has to change to make the LED flasher work with the old TSCU.
THIS MOD IS FOR ALL later Suzuki TSCU's that use the 5 wire right left hand switch hand 3 prong Flasher Connector with Tridon EP34 flasher .
See Quote from Steve below, there are other flashers with different polarity. I'll have to check that out as they may be easier to configure:
Matchless (Andre) has done a lot of work on this and I'm sure it has saved me a lot of time not having to research as much on figuring out what the problem is. Andre has graciously posted those results and modifications here at the GSR(along with a lot of other write-ups). Others have helped as well (Thanks Steve and Rusty and others that have worked on this problem)
So I have considered all of the above and made some of my own measurements and think I might have come up with an alternative solution. You can decide if you think it is any better, I need to order some parts, but I have little doubt it will work, just a matter of hooking it up and testing I think

Conceptually here is what it is. It is a small device you mount right in your harness near the TSCU. It is basically inserted inline with the Black/Blue wire from the TSCU and also picks up the same ground located there as well. This makes your Harness compatible with the OEM TSCU and the EP34 3 prong LED flasher (shown above).
I still need to test if you want to leave it in and run the OEM flasher; basically making your harness LED ready.

Basically this is a little PC board with 3 or 4 components on it to accomplish the job but also protect itself from bad things. This is automotive grade stuff so it is at least -40 to +85 degC rated. It is small enough to be attached directly on your harness near the TSCU only requiring a bit of tape of heat shrink to hold it in place. Actually it could go anywhere between the TSCU and the 3 prong flasher plug as long as there is a convenient ground. It should not get hot to any extent and in fact once it is covered you can basically forget about it.
I'm looking at providing these as follows:
- $25.00 each with lifetime warranty (fix or replace**)
- Paid through Paypal
- Delivered in the US (I need to check on international shipping costs for small envelopes)
** Assuming the device is used as per the installation guide. So if it fails for some reason I want to see a picture of your install before you remove it.
I would like to see if there is any interest before I purchase a bunch of parts nobody wants. If you want more than one email me at and we can work out combined shipping.
As an alternative, anybody could probably use a mechanical relay to do the same thing. Here is an example using a Standard Automotive relay to do the exact equivalent. The lower picture shown is a mini automotive relay.
