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GS 550E Underpowered!!!

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    If this is the same fuel line to the carbs that when it runs ok on reserve then why doesn't it run ok on 'ON'?
    I will just have to take oot the carbs next week and strip them right doon separating all 4 carbs just for my own satisfaction.
    Will let you know how i got on.


      You may be on to something... the small orings that attach to the cylinder connection pipes might be starting to leak... if it is running okay in reserve then the bike is pulling vacuum ok... my 78 won't flow gas out of reserve or run (on) without vacuum. The filter on the petcock or the fuel port for run on the petcock pipe in the tank may be slightly clogged.. This pipe has two fuel ports... one for run and one for reserve.. and both pipes may be clogged the same way..
      anyway that's my $.02(us) worth..


        Fuel Route!!!

        Hi there,
        Can anyone explain the route that the fuel takes from the tank to the engine!
        GS550E 1980 (V) plate.

        The reason i am asking is that i am having trouble running the old girl when the fuel is turned to the ON position, but seems to run ok when it is turned on to the RESERVE.

        I have stripped down the petcock and cleaned it out etc etc, no blockages fuel runs ok when it is turn on to PRIME.

        Pictures would be nice if possible.
        See GS550E Underpowered on page 11


          Pull the screen off the petcock that resides in the tank and see if it is blocked
          1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
          1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely


            Hi there all,
            Latest news update.
            I have stripped down the carbs and put in new 'O' rings throughout, which i bought from (excellent service there). Fitted them back on and the old girl seams to run ok until i try to open her up but no joy there. Bottom end takes off "Like a bat out of hell" until about 5000revs then dies out, going up the gears no joy over 5000 revs but seams to pull all the way up.
            Whilst in neutral she will rev up to about 6000 revs and then dies out again.

            Checked and stripped down the petcock checked all fuel lines, good flow (see previous Posts).

            I have read about moving the needles up or down one notch! at a lost end there.
            Also how do you put some oil on the air filter?

            Looking for any ideas that may offer great assistance in getting the old girl running.


              Take the bike out and run it to where it has problems (make it begin to "die out") and apply the choke. Let me know if it pulls better or worse when you do this.
              Currently bikeless
              '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
              '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

              I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

              "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


                Hi there Jethro,

                I tried to start the old girl up but she just doesn't want to play today. She will turn over ok, plenty of spark and fuel getting through but just won't fire up. She ran ok a couple o days ago but not now. There has been nothing different today than from a couple o days. I have run doon the battery now so i will have to put it on charge first, so it will be tomorrow now before i can do anything about it, i will then do what you suggest once and if i get her started up again.
                Has the the automatic timming have something to do with her not starting?
                I'm coming to my wits end now.


                  is the airbox on the bike? You must have the complete airbox on or else pods and a rejet is needed.

                  Oil the filter by putting it ina plastic bag with about 1 ounce ( about 30 ml) of oil. Work the filter in the bag until the oil is throught the foam. them use a paper towel or rag to sponge off the excess oil.
                  1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
                  1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely


                    Hi there Duaneage,

                    Yes the air filter is on the bike under the seat, and it is clean so i wll do as you have suggested.
                    My bike is a 1980 V reg GS550ET. Since i put in the new 'O' rings in the carbs, i have been having difficulty in starting her up, i am suspecting a fuel starvation for some reason or other. Already flattened one battery, which is on charge now ready for another day.
                    Do you think that the air screws need tweeked because of the new 'O' rings?
                    When the old girl did start the other day i checked the spark plugs and 3 out of 4 were a nice tanish colour, which according to the manuals they are ok, but the fourth plug #1 was quite sooty so i have turned the air screw clockwise approx half a turn hoping this will cure the soot!



                      Things to check:

                      Are you sending gas through the vacuum line that operates the fuel valve (petcock)? sometimes the diaphram breaks and floods a single cylinder. It also stops fuel from getting into the engine. Run the bike on the PRI setting instead of ON and see if it runs better.

                      If you are getting liquid fuel through the vacuum line you'll need to replace the diaphram in the petcock.

                      you did remember to reconnect the vacuum line for the petcock, didn't you?

                      Run a fuel line from the petcock to a container and turn the valve to PRI. Make sure you have a real good stream of fuel coming out. Do this outside and don't smoke around it!

                      If a slow stream comes out check the screen inside the tank on top of the petcock.
                      1981 GS650G , all the bike you need
                      1980 GS1000G Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely


                        Hi there,

                        Everything has been put back together correctly and there is plenty of fuel flowing from the tank. Once i have a good charged battery i will give her a try again.
                        Is it ok to jump start the bike from a car battery still hooked up so this will give a good jump until the old girl starts?

                        I will get back to you asap once i finally get her running again.

                        Because i changed the 'O' rings in the carbs, do you think i will have to put them through a vacuum check just to see if the carbs are balanced ok?

                        I will keep you all informed of the progress.



                          You can jump from a car as long as the car isn't running. Yes, you will need to vacuum synch. I hope she runs good for you!
                          85 GS1150E May '06 BOM
                          79 GS1000S Wes Cooley Beast


                            My opinion is, that it is not a good idea to jump start these bikes, for two reasons. First, if you have a stone dead battery and when running, you are loading the charging system to it's limits, and we all know the weak point of Suzukis. Secondly, if you get some sparks out of the cables (witch is usual), that again means, that there will be some currency peaks through your R/R, and I think we all know what will happen.


                              GS550ET Underpowered

                              H there all,

                              Ok lets talk here, I got hold of a vacumm gauge and the carbs are all syncronised but the readings are as follows, 7 vacumm inches or 175mm vacumm! The dials also have the following reading which is in the RED zone. "Late valve timing or leak at intake manifold or heat riser".

                              1, Late valve timing!!!
                              How do you adjust this to correct it?
                              2, There is no leak at the intake manafold as this has been checked with sparaying WD40 at the manifold boots.
                              3, What is the Heat Riser?

                              As the old girl stutters at 5-6000 revs this suggests to me a fuel issue, Q, what would happen if i were to raise the 4 needles up by 1 notch so as to let in more fuel as this seams to be the upper range mark?
                              The exhaust is not stock but a 4 in 1 without any carb modifications being done.

                              Any good sugestions would be apprecated



                                Before you raise the needles make sure your sliders are operating properly and evenly. Gently raise them with your finger and see if you can feel any hangups on the way up. They should come down evenly and smoothly. I like to blow a little compressed air on the airbox side and watch them go up and down a few times.

                                Does you bike have an in-line fuel filter? Any bends in the fuel line to the carbs? Have you checked the floats to make sure they are at the correct heights after you replaced the float valve o-rings?

