So I ride the bike monday and its still having problems idling. I give it a bit of gas and it jumps to 3k PRM, its very tough to get it to run at 1500 or so, It just jumps down to very low idle and eventually dies. I was planning on taking the bike apart and checking the valve clearance and the chain eventually, so monday night I did that. I only have a .038 mm feeler guage and it didnt fit in any of them except for #4 Exhaust. I decided Ill order a suzuki feeler guage set and to the clearance adjustment later. I noticed the #4 carb and a bit of a dark spot around the bottom of the throttle plate and a black smudgy part in the entrance of it, not sure what that came from. Put it all back together with some new oil and started it. Chain is much better but it still runs strange like it used to. This only started after I rode it in the rain. Did a compression test, and #3 was pretty low.
So It possibly being many things has confused me. Is it possible that if the chain jumped a tooth it would make it low on one cylinder only? Im going to do a leakdown test when I get home to further diagnose it.
sorry if my post is a bit scatter brained, im a bit confused here. the bike is a 82 GS1100 GK without all the stuff that makes it ok to ride in the rain
