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Preparing to do some welding...

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    Preparing to do some welding...

    I am slightly modifying the rear of my frame to accomodate for a lower seat and different shock and fender mounting points. How should I prepare the electrical system so I don't burn anything up? Or will that even be a problem? I know to disconnect and remove the battery, and I will remove and Isolate all frame grounds too...but I don't know what else I need to do. I am a trained welder fresh out of college so no worries about frame twisting/tracking problems cause I've been through the mix!! Thanks for the help!


    So I guess we are talking arc welding or some other electrical welding. It really shouldn't hurt anything but to be on the safe side you might want to go ahead and disconnect the R/R and the ignitor if your bike has one.


      You are correct...I just got a nice little lincoln buzzbox 175T for my home projects. I am gonna disconnect everything to be safe...I don't want this to cost me more than it has too!


        I did some mig welding on my 750. I disconnected the battery and pulled all the fuses and kept the ground close to the work. That was it. No problems at all...

        I was building a rack at the time and kept it bolted on for good alignment.


          thanks for the advice!


            Or you can remove the battery, short the 2 leads together and leave the ignition switch on. This will shunt EVERYTHING to ground, no need to disconnect anything else. Keep your earth clamp close to the work, but you know that.

