I bought this bike about 2 months ago, running perfectly even though I bought it out of a barn. Lots of power and a blast to ride, nice steady low (700rpm) idle. After I got it I noticed that once the tank got a little lower in fuel, about the time to switch to reservior, it seemed like the engine was ahving a hard time receiving fuel. I assumed that the valve or the reservior filter was getting scummy so I took it apart and found a lot of rust in the tank. Cleaned that up, flushed out the lines, emptied each dirty carb reservior and changed the fuel filter. problem solved, right? Wrong.
The problem got worse. Soon, no matter how much fuel was in the tank the engine would stumble, show marked lack of power, stall out at red lights, and sometimes even refuse to start. So I replaced all the rubber fuel hoses, got a bigger fuel filter, and finally took apart the carb and sprayed every moving part with carb cleaner and cleaned it with pipe cleaners. Now, the bike will start after sitting for a while but die out after a minute or two once (I suppose) the carb reserviors empty out. Obviously the engine isn't receiving gas quickly enough but I've run out of things to clean. I don't think it has a fuel pump, just gravity, so thats not the problem, I don't know what to do.
As a side note I also tested the strength of my sparks by pulling out a spark plug wire, sticking a screwdriver in the wire and turing over the engine. I found the spark to be almost non-existant, about half as strong as the spark my lawn mower makes! I don't think this condition is causing the problem but it's something I'll want to address anyways. All the electrical connections are good, what should I look for in this instance?
One other thing, I think i might be interested in replacing my 4-1 exhaust with a louder 2+2 (loud pipes save lives after all.) I live in Baltimore, any ideas besides eBay where I could locate a set of pipes?
Any help you guys could give me would be really appreciated, this bike is basically cherry and I'm really eager to get it back on the road before the season drags on too long. Thanks a lot