So, this season, I noticed my base gasket is starting to weep/leak. So, I intend to change it out this winter.
Bike runs fair, not great though. Idle isn't smooth/consistent, and plug reads have always shown a bit lean. It seems to have decent power, but not at all what I would expect for a litre bike. It doesn't sound as, err, 'refined' as other GS bikes I have heard. I experience a little oil loss, but I dont know where it is going. I've never seen smoke out the exhaust, and it doesn't leave any drips on the garage floor.
So, onward. Since I have to disassemble the top end to do the base gasket, I figured it would be a good time to maybe re-ring the engine as well. Decarbon everything, etc.
Did a compression test last night, and it came out:
Dry: 115 105 105 110
Wet: 145 150 150 155
So, I definitely am going to want to re-ring it. Whether I'll need new oversized pistons/rings I won't be able to tell until I disassemble the engine.
I'm also thinking:
-Check cam chain stretch
-Check valve guides (should be OK considering leakdown values)
-Replace cam chain guides
-New intake pipes
-Lap valves/seats
-New ignition (Dyna S?)
-Of course adjust valve clearances
I'll stick with the stock airbox setup, as I prefer the torquiness over top end HP..
What I should need:
Gasket kit
Cam chain guides
Cam chain (hopefully not!!)
Valve spring compressor (can I make one?)
Possibly pistons
Intake boots
Anti-seize for exhaust re-assembly
2 Oil Filters
Is there anything I'm missing for this project? Should be a fun winter's project. What's the best source for the parts right now? I usually like Bike Bandit, as their service is good, despite often higher prices. Ron Ayers was slow, but had good prices.
Thanks all!