******this line added may 26'th, turns out the dyna install isn't the problem here... that part was smooth sailing, those of you contiplating the install go for it. the install only takes like 30 minutes (if you have all the right toys)***********
To start off with, I recently installed a dyna S into my gs550 E 1980. all was smooth sailing, even wiring... or so i thought. I wired the dyna S via the wires off the old ignitor unit, just wire snipped them off the unit and into the three matching wires(dyna S has only three) using wire connector. reconnected the battery up and vwa-la, every thing beautiful... engine cranked, spark plugs fired in the correct order with beautiful big blue spark(observed this by watching spark from plug against block and peering in at indicator with flashlight and cranking engine) no issues. Disconnected battery, went to wally world for an induction timing gun, got home went to bed... Got up connected battery, turned key, hit starter button........NOTHING! noticed headlight doesn't work... no lights.... licked both fingers and grabbed battery terminal and deff voltage (just kidding used meter). retraced all connection on ENTIRE bike... no mistakes no visable shorts...... disconnected battery (forgot unturn key) big spark from negative terminal...ok???? touched again heard zap noise from spark plug area..... odd??? so i pulled a plug laid again block touched neagtive lead to neagative battery terminal .... ZOLT... big PURPLE spark.... checked this with all plugs all four doo this TOGETHER... what the hell
So problem is
Starter Won't turn
no blown fuses
ALL plugs fire at once... constant voltage out of and into coils
lights wont turn on