1982 GS 850G
17000 miles
Sitting for a while bringing her back to running condition.
Finished so far:
Valve adjustment
Carb cleaning and o ring replacement
Carb boot o rings
Checked petcock (functioning properly)
Oil change and filter
The bike will start right away from cold with choke. Idles up for a very short time and then comes down to 1000 or so. Idles okay, I think #1 is not getting hot right away. ( from squirting pipe with water)
After warm up it will run pretty well although I have alot of popping on deceleration. I also think there is more power there but problem with the popping is holding it up.
At a constant or cruising speed, say 3000-3500 rpm i hear a little flutter in the exhaust, nothing terrible, but the enigine is not rock solid consistant.
Basically I'm at the point where it ridable, it stays running, doesn't die, has power, but I know the popping is a clue that there is still something wrong.
Please advise as to what I should do next. I appreciate all suggestions. This is not an easy thing to figure out and the more things I can eliminate the quicker i can really enjoy the bike.