I have just started this thread to get some comments and experience from the other memebers.
Yesterday I left my lights on, on my small van and the battery went down. After jumpstarting it the idle was quite rough, untill I realised that the load on the alternator charging the battery was being felt by the small engine. After a short trip everything was back to normal. A 60 or 90 Amp alternator pushing out high current to a flat battery does put some extra load on a small 100hp engine. On some vehicles the idles also drops slightly if you put all the headlights on drawing about 20 Amp and then also touching the brakes and adding a few more.
I have had personal experience where my bike idles at just under 1000rpm when hot, such as riding a short distance at 20-60km/h. Then I do a 15 kilometer run at 80 to 100km/h and the bike idles just under 1200 rpm. I did put this down to engine temperature, but was wondering about alternator load to a partially flat battery and then to a fully charged battery.
On the forum I have seen some comments on rough idling and batteries/charging systems being bad. Someone recently posted that after replacing his R/R the bike idles better.
The first question now is:
Is there a heavier load on the GS engine during idle caused by the alternator/stator if the battery is discharged or if the R/R is faulty and loading the stator?
Second question:
Will this be noticeable to the rider?
Someone my have experienced this.