Heres the bad.
Wont idle without the choke on, if the choke is turned off the bike will stall immediately unless you hold the throttle on.
Here is what I have done and planned. Cleaned the carbs, not synced yet. Replacing the o-rings on the cylinder side boots, have to check the valve clearances, changed the air filter, changed the secondary and final drive gear oil. I have a new stator and R/R on the way from electorsport.
Another bigger problem I have encountered is that the P/O at some point worked on or had work done to the charging system. I performed the tests outlined in the Clymer manual I bought for the stator and R/R and got nothing. So, I start taking things apart and cleaning checking connections and low and behold I find what I believe to be the ground of the R/R connected to the +battery post! I will tell you all what I found to verify that it is indeed a ground, the R/R has the four wires coming out to the plug and then one lone wire that is Black/Wh(ground correct?) It was this Black/Wh wire that was connected to the +battery post. Anyone have any insight as to why someone would wire the R/R this way? Would this cause the failure of the charging system? Just want to verify before I hook up the new parts from electrosport.
There is my story thus far, I am very happy with the bike so far and looking forward to riding it. Even in its current condition it runs strong off of the battery that is.
Sorry for the long first post. Thanks to all that belong to this site for the help and information that they provide I hope to one day learn enough about my bike to return the help to others.
Have a happy 4th of July all, Parker