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My lady is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My lady is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I didn't think I would see it was about to give up hope on my lady but we had a chat and she told me what was wrong I promised her a good life and new oil new gaskets and a reclean of the carbs(yes I did talk to her) I found 3 loose connections 1 crimped wire (had to replace it) 1 earth point that was rusty as hell and the shop also sent the wrong coils out!!!!!(W*****s) but they are really good about it I phoned them and told them they didnt work and said I had been sent the coils for a gsx550 and the ones i needed where gunna be £10 extra but the bloke was really good he said that I had been more than patient and reduced the price to the same as the wrong ones. I am sssooooooo chuffed I was nearly in tears when she fired she sort of choked and spluttered and I was stood there saying nice things to her and begging her to run and then she fired. luckly My friend has a set of kawasaki coils while I'm waiting for mine to be delivered.Tags: None
Suzuki mad
Good Job on getting her running. And don't worry about talking to her, I'm sure most of us do it.
Mostly I say things like..."I swear if you make me get out bigger tools" lol. They usually act better when I threaten to dismantle them. I have a 302 V8 engine that I bought for the purpose of just tearing it apart and I point at it like " could end up like that too"
Originally posted by buster View PostGood Job on getting her running. And don't worry about talking to her, I'm sure most of us do it.
Mostly I say things like..."I swear if you make me get out bigger tools" lol. They usually act better when I threaten to dismantle them. I have a 302 V8 engine that I bought for the purpose of just tearing it apart and I point at it like " could end up like that too"
Congratulations rsb. It feel good to have one of these old machines running...simply by giving them some attention and not being afraid to turn a wrench.
and shes died
well there you go she has died againhit the start button and nothing! however it has started to rain and went out to give her another try and noticed that I have left the keys in and turned on (kicking the **** outta myself) so back to the charger was left on for about 3 hours only getting 10v from the battrey now
to be honest craiger if she atcherly spoke to me id **** my self lmao
It feels great to know that about 2 weeks this sunday ago she hadnt been moved for about 7 months to a year or summat and now she seems to be chomping at the bit to get moving I promised her a little road trip about 250 miles there and back just me and her to my parents house so i can show her off she said shes gunna be on her best behaviourLast edited by Guest; 07-11-2008, 02:25 PM.
i wish my bike talked to me...
i talk to it all the time.. telling it how much I dont want to tear it apart to get to some small bolt i need removed, or about how i wish something was different about it... lol
im very happy with mine though.
I took a sawsall to get my Van apart last month
Just have to keep with it. Eventually you have a great bike !!!
Originally posted by Craiger View PostThat's funny. One they ever talk back? LOL!
Congratulations rsb. It feel good to have one of these old machines running...simply by giving them some attention and not being afraid to turn a wrench.
I'm so glad i stuck with it now however I was begining to have doubts about ever seeing her run. will only be a few weeks till I get her ready for the big world and will remove her from the front of shed into the street hop on and let the revs hit high give her a good run and feel the wind in my face (as much as I can with a helmet on and visor up) really looking foward to it
Stick with it old mate.All things come to he who has enough patients and money.They do talk back,just mostly with a form of sign language.Cheers,Simon.
'79 GS1000S my daily ride in Aus
'82 (x2) GS650ET in the shed
took her out yesterday. Took her to the MOT centre and she rode very nicely. However looking for set of handle bars to replace the ones on her (will I ever stop spending money on her) the ones on her were rather uncomfortable I want a set thats close to the originals but not sure what they are for a gs550M katana (the ones on her caused me pain in my right wrist) she still holds back a bit I think she needs a good blast down the motorway.