I have an '84 V65 Magna that won't start. It acts like it wants to start, but just won't.
1) Tested the kill switch by checking for voltage at the coils. 12+v in run position each = OK? Off = < .5v, which I would think should be zero.
2) Tested the pulse generators, manual says they should test @ 480 ohms. 1 tests @ 481 ohms and the other @ 520 ohms. Is that acceptable?
3) Dismantled the ignitors to check for burnt or broken solder points. Other than one having a light crust in one spot (cleaned before re-assembly) nothing looked suspicious.
4) Brand new battery with new terminals and cleaned both ground points.
5) Pull all 4 plugs boots and used a new plug for a GS750 to check for spark. All 4 have spark, but not like the manual describes. The manual says I should see a "fat blue spark". I see a thin yellow-ish/orange spark. Keep in mind I'm not using the right plug for the Magna.
6) Turned the ignition key vigorously thinking that it would clean the contacts to see if that may be the problem.
7) Gave it a stern talking to. Apparently it has a hearing problem too

I thought about swapping the ignitors out for a Dyna 2000, but I may be jumping the gun only because that is what fixed my problem on my '77 Suzuki GS750. Plus it's a heck of a lot cheaper than 2 OEM ignitors.