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Float Bowl Question

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    Float Bowl Question

    Ok, finally getting back to the bike (82 850L), so here's my issue.
    I cleaned the carbs, and durring the process, decided to remove the exhust and replace the premuffler. Well made the stupid mistake of shearing a bolt and now it's this huge monster, so the bike sat for 8 months. Anyhow, I'm dealing with that best I can, but my question is this:
    When I hook the carbs up to my external fuel source the #3 and #4 carbs leak gas out the airbox side (#3 pretty bad) while #1 and #2 bowls are dry. Previously I hooked it up to the bike and #1,#2 cylinders were the only ones to run while #3,#4 were flooded and gas was coming out the exhust pipe (hence hooking it to the external source).
    Is this simply a float height issue or is the #1,#2 being dry something completely different.
    The thing that's got me baffled is the 1/2 dry and 3/4 flood, but the 1/2 cylinders fire. don't make much sense to me. Any wisdom would be great!

    Love the bike, but man, what a pain not being able to ride for the short riding season here in WI! I've actually looked at other bikes, but just don't want to give up yet!

    Hi Mr. Sniper,

    If it's been sitting that long, you may want to consider a complete disassemble/dip/rebuild of the carbs. Here are a few threads about "gas in airbox" found by using the search feature. Main causes: bad petcock, stuck float needles, or bad O-rings in the needle seats.

    This forum contains old posts which may have information which may be useful. It is a closed forum in that you can not post here any longer. Please post your questions in the other technical forums.

    This forum contains old posts which may have information which may be useful. It is a closed forum in that you can not post here any longer. Please post your questions in the other technical forums.

    This forum contains old posts which may have information which may be useful. It is a closed forum in that you can not post here any longer. Please post your questions in the other technical forums.

    Thank you for your indulgence,



      Thanks BassCliff:
      Yep, I actually did a cleaning durring the time it was sitting. Complete breakdown/dip of the carbs and parts. I had to replace a jet too due to it sticking.
      The petcock and o-ring are new, and I tested that theory, so I'm pretty possitive that's not it, and I replaced all the rubber in the carbs. I'm going to recheck the float height tonight (didn't get a chance yesterday) and pull the needle vavles out to make sure they are ok and clean too.
      The thing that really confuses me is the flood of 3 and 4 and nothing in the bowls of 1 and 2 yet 1 and 2 fired when on the bike. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something easier than I was thinking (or found in other threads), or that there is something else wrong here that I don't know about.


        I would suggest a THROUGH cleaning of the fuel inlet needles and the bore of the seat or replace them.

        I had the same issue with my '80, only a 24 hour soaking in carb dip, kept them from hanging in the bore. no amount of manual cleaning of them, helped...

        ***edit*** and I used a 7X eye loupe to inspect them before I dipped them the second time.
        Last edited by rustybronco; 05-05-2009, 06:14 PM.
        De-stinking Penelope

