I want to say thanks for all of the available resources on this website.
I got a free GS550L from a friend. It was sitting on the side of his house for 2 years. He said if i can get it running its mine otherwise sell it for parts. I believe its a 78 since the ignition system only has points and two coils. The motor has 24k miles.
So my quest has begun to get this bike running. I found the carbs to be stuck closed so i removed the battery, gas tank, loosened the intake and removed the carbs. With a delicate hand and carb cleaner i managed to free up the carbs and choke.
While everything was out of the way i cleaned up every electrical connection i ran into. The fuses are all good but i cleaned the connections anyway. All grounds got cleaned and tightened. All lights, turn signals, brake lights, cluster lights operate.
I put my jump box on and the bike cranks but no start. I pulled out all spark plugs, cleaned them, verified proper gap and installed them. I sprayed carb cleaner into the intake, cranked it and no start. I hooked my timing light to the plug wires and found no spark. I have 12.6 volts at both orange w/white strip wires going to the coils. I followed the wires through two sets of connectors looking for corrosion. None found, no resistance. The black and white wires go to the contact points that read off the crank. I found corrosion on the contact points so i cleaned them with sand paper.
I thought i solved the problem, hooked up the jump back and still no spark. OK....I decided to pull out a plug, ground it and disconnected the black wire to the coil. I provided a ground to the black wire ever so quickly and TA-DA, i get spark! I tested both coils and both are providing spark.
So i am down to contact points and capacitor. With the cover off and cranking the motor there are no sparks whatsoever. The gaps seem to be in spec but i couldnt find my feeler gauge. There is perfect continuity from the contact points to the coils.
Is there a way to test the capacitor and points. Are these known to go bad? Have i missed anything? My goal is to get this bike running without spending a dime or at least be 100% sure a part is bad before i replace it.
Thanks for the help!