Anyway, for some time I've noticed that there was a slight whining noise in the speedometer, well recently that whining noise became a rumbling, vibrating noise and I noticed that the speedometer started registering much higher speeds than were actually being driven. I parked it that night and drove it to work (20miles one way) on the way home the needle started bouncing all over the place.
Well, I took the speedometer cable apart and it seems to be in good condition. I figured I'd need a new speedometer and decided to dismantle the speedometer and see if there was something obviously wrong. I didn't see anything broken...I put a drill on it and ran it...still nothing! I did notice that there were some shavings on the magnet though. I put it all back together and drove it to work again, still making a lot of noise, well the needle broke and then the rest of it popped out of it's place and fell to the bottom.
I called a local dealership, the guy told me they don't work on bikes older than 7 years...too many problems getting parts, etc.
He also told me that it may be a problem in the gears down on the front wheel where the speedometer cable goes into the housing.
Not sure what to do...need help!
Nice bike