My bike is running a bit rough (1980 GSX750ET 16V) with popping and cackling coming from the exhaust - it has a 4 into 1 aftermarket system which was on it when i bought it a few months ago, with stock airbox and filter. It is doing it at idle, also when moderate revs are held at standstill, and when closing the throttle after acceleration. No sounds from the carbs, just the exhaust. It still revs cleanly to redline and has good power, but doesn't sound great when I am just cruising along - an unhealthy burble.
I put a new airfilter in a few weeks ago and it seems to be a little worse if anything, though the bike was sitting for around 6 weeks during this time. It also has fresh fuel, new OEM petcock and new plugs. Intake carb boots etc all look like they have been replaced by a previous owner and look good. No obvious splits, hardening or cracks in the airbox or rubbers.
I know everyone is going to say strip and clean the carbs - no they haven't been done since i got the bike. I wanted to exlude any airleaks in the system before I go anywhere near the carbs, mainly because:
1. Being a newbie I am not confident at all about pulling them apart and getting them back togther again corrrectly, and
2. With my poor health and serious allergies I can't go within a mile of carb dip/cleaner, solvents, paint, brake cleaner etc. without landing in hospital or worse. So the best I could do would be a little WD40 (which makes me sick enough) and compressed air. Due to extremely limited funds, I also couldn't afford to pay a bike shop to do them for me - so I'm a bit stuck there

I guess If I can't find any obvious air leaks I will have a go at the carbs for a basic clean. Should I be careful around anything in there with the compressed air? ANything in particular to pay attention to? Will I need to separate the carbs?
Any help appreciated
