There's one, possibly 2 oil leaks. I know that one is the tach cable seal for sure. The possible other I'm not so sure about. If there is one, I'm thinking its the head gasket but hoping its the valve cover gasket. Seems to be coming from the center on the engine.
Need new exhaust gaskets where they connect to the head. 3 of the 4 are leaking. Previous owner stripped out one of the bolts on these. I see he has different bolts in there now so maybe if I use the ones meant for it it'll be ok.
When I let off on the throttle the exhaust pops and every once in a while the carb will pop.
The exhaust connections underneath are loose. I loosened the back support brackets and tightened the pipes together a bit and retightened the bracket, but it still needs work.
2 of the carburetor boots have been jimmy rigged using some sort of silicone...need to be replaced.
On the lighted gear indicator only gears 1&2 show up. Have to check the bulbs and wiring on that.
The speedometer needle is really this normal?
Any and all suggestions are welcome.
I've already placed an order for the tach seals(o-ring and seal), valve cover gasket and breather gasket, exhaust bolts, and some misc hardware that was missing.
Front left side. You can see oil puddling on the fins after letting it run.
Here you can see the different exhaust bolts they put in. The one with the lock washer on the right is the one they stripped.
The exhaust connection that needs to be tightened up somehow.
Here's one of the cobbled boots and some more fresh oil back in there!