While sitting at a light the bike dies no power nothing dead as a door nail. I popped it open thinking fuses etc....everything was fine but still no power. Well being 32 degrees celsius what a great 4 km walk home with my bike.... Anyway I have cleaned the battery leads changed the ends on both as they were not the best shape and the battery is running at 12.5 volts.
I have removed all the fuses cleaned the box and cleaned the fuses.
I have the repair book on the bike and the diagram.
So checking the voltage on the red wire to the fuse box - good
Ignition off I get the following readings
Top of fuse box
Head - No reading
Signal - No Reading
Ignition - No reading
Main - Good both sides
Power Source - Good both sides
With the ignition ON same readings on fuses
The other larger red wire to the starter relay has good readings 12.5 volts on the connection but the black coming out nothing. the b/y and g/y to a white connector has nothing with the ignition off or on.
Now does this mean that the starter relay is toast or do I need to go further. I have read using the search feature that the ignition could be the problem should I be up in that area to verify...things
I bought the bike thinking it was good but the salvage place couldn't run faster from me when I called.... crooks....love to post there name but this is not the place....

Any advice would help, I had a 1981 GS750ES that died a month ago cam chain broke in many pieces and toasted the engine..parts are available
anyway any help would be great!!
