Carbs are clean.
Jets are stock.
Float level is correct.
Intake is stock.
Exhaust is a 2 into 1 for each side of unknown make.
From steady state cruise above 3000rpms when I apply throttle she hesitates (smooth hesitation, no stumbling) for 1/2 a second and then pours on the power. I also feel the bike may be slightly surging at steady state speeds above 3000rpms but it may also be my imagination.
I am guessing this is where the pilot jet and needle are controlling things. I am also guessing I am running lean in this range. Do I raise the needle or raise the float level or both?
Any other things?
I replaced the main jets from dynojet 165s to 160s to 155s to the current stock jets to cure a stumbling issue at full throttle.
The air screws were out 7 turns when I got the bike, I started at 2 turns out and now am at 3 1/3 turns out. The 3.5 turns sounds like it is 1.5 turns more than the norm but that's what it took to get rid of most of the popping on deceleration.
The floats were all even but set above the limit in the manual so I brought them down to spec.
This GS is starting to act like my CB!