This is my 1st time working on just about everything on my GS700 that has been sitting for 15 years. Just got the new piston seals & brake pads for the front calipers.
So yesterday I started to try and put it all back together and the new piston seals just popped right in and then the nightmare began.
At first I put the piston in and tried to get the dust boot to fit into the groove - but no go!
So then I popped the piston back out and spent the next 3 + hours in major frustration, cursing and general feeling like a complete idiot trying to get the dust boot in.
I honestly think while these little buggers were sitting on my bench that they grew in size!
I can get all but the last 1/4" to 1/2" of the boot lip into the groove and then that last bit is just to big??
If I manage to force it in - then some other part of the boot lip pops out.
So then I do a search and read and try the suggestions from the other post - but they have not worked either.
After some time I even thought I was trying to put them in upside down.
So I turned them over - but I had placed on my table in the direction they came off. And the upper lip fits perfectly on the piston groove.
It is just the bottom lip that's grown and I'm sure some motorcycle hatin gremlin has come into my garage and hexed these boots while I was waiting for parts.
So far putting the boot into caliper is not working, nor is installing the piston 1st and sliding the boot over it and then trying to push it into the top groove of the caliper
Can anyone help??