First part of the puzzle is I'm convinced the oil is leaking from around the metal part of the seal where it sits in the casing rather than the rubber part at the center. Does anyone know if that's a common occurance?
Biggest puzzle though is there seems to be a retaining plate completely missing but even if I get one I'm not sure how it would fit. Seems the casing is not predrilled to accept the mounting screw/bolt. This has me confused and am wondering if the seal has actually failed (which wouldn't surprise me) or whether the seal retaining plate is required to correctly provide the seal. However, the only boss in the casting that seems about in the right place to accept the mouting bolt for the retaining plate is not drilled or threaded
If I have to replace the seal, how do I get the old one out? Do I really have to split the casings just for that? There seems to be very little information about that in the manuals and I have both the workshop manual and the haynes for this machine.
So you can see what I'm wittering on about, here's a picture of the offending area with some annotations trying to point out what I've seen:
And the fische, the "missing" part is #24, seal is #17:
Thanks for looking.