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Jennifer's Makeover

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    Thanks Tatu
    Dale has nailed it down, too much clear too early, should have sealed it up with lighter, drier coats layed down with more flash time in between, I put down pretty wet coats too soon after each other, the pin stripes don't like that.
    What's done is done, my biggest concern now, is how to fix it.
    I am hoping I can go with Hoosier D's suggestion and wet sand to smooth, apply wider pin stripping and re shoot the clear.


      Stan, it's only time and money to fix it. nothing to get all drop jawed over.

      keep in mind I'm no painter either. here is what I would do with it as I see it.

      I would wait at least 3~4 days and wet sand it with 600 wet wrapped around a rubber sanding pad. you want to try and wet sand just the area the orange and red covers. if you can wet sand that area flat enough to level the paint and decal areas to the surrounding area without hitting the black metallic base coat, skuff up the clear over the black, tape it off for those two colors again and re-shoot them. when it's properly flashed off spray 2~3 coats of clear and forget about it until you get ready to stripe and apply the final top coats to the petrol tank.

      do the same thing to the petrol tank; shoot your base coats, clear it and leave it set for 3~4 days.

      when you are ready to apply the stripe and final clear coat, wet sand the clear, apply the stripes to the tank, side covers and tail piece and give it a fairly dry application of clear, then leave it set for 8 hours. after it's sat, apply one med wet coat of clear, let it set for an additional 8 hours and follow up with an additional two medium wet coats of clear.

      hopefully then you'll have no more issues with the decals lifting.

      p.s. I had planned on suggesting a wider decal as well, but decided against it.
      De-stinking Penelope


        Bugger Stan! That sidecover was looking real nice too.

        I do feel your pain... you get to that point where you look at it and go yeah, cool, my first effort and it turned out well... then you realise it's all mottled and you didn't do that extra bit of research to say you need to be extra careful with your spray pattern when spraying pearl colours...

        Look at it this way, it's just one side cover and you don't have to start from scratch

        I think you've done marvelous for a first time!

        And with Dale's awesome advice and help you will succeed
        1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
        1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


        450 Refresh thread:

        Katana 7/11 thread:


          Thanks for the kudos Pete, but I'm nothing more than a 'garage' painter.

          Stan there are more ways to tackle the issue than what I suggested you do. the reason I suggested you do it that way was, if you still have problems with the clear affecting the stripe, all you have to do is sand the stripe and redo it.

          you could just as easily , tape off and shoot the stripe saving you 'quite' a bit of time.
          De-stinking Penelope


            Thanks guys.
            Dale, I will give it a shot as you suggest, sure beats having to take t all down again, and time I got plenty of.
            The thing is, I just didn't want to waste clear, not having the luxuary of mixing up the quantities I need, once you activate the two part, you have to use it, I do not know how long it will last, but I doubt it is very long, before it goes hard and you need to throw the rest of the can away.
            And it is pretty pricey stuff at 200 bucks a can.
            I guess the only way forward then it to get everything base coated and then lay 2 to 3 coats clear over everything, hopefully, that will use up a full can.
            Then stripe up and hope that after I lay a dry coat over everything that what is left in the can will last another 8 hours and then an additional 8 hours after applying the first med/wet coat to everthing.
            I guess we will find out.
            The can of clear clear I opened today is still half full, maybe more, and I was so disgusted and bummed out, I just shut the garage and called it quits for the day at about 9am, so I will see how long that lasts before it dries up, will give me an idea as to how to proceed. I am hoping that being in a can and not exposed to free air may just get me off the hook and it lasts for a while.

            Pete, yeah. I was really feeling good, and it was really looking the part, I thought I had nailed it down, the paint was shining like a mirror and I knew I had something special going, all the research an hard work was paying off, then, bang.
            I felt shattered, I just felt like chucking it in, as you say, I learnt everything about painting, but nothing about painting over decals.
            Oh, and its two side covers.


              That's a bummer Fly... I'm no paint expert so can't help there BUT whatever you do, please don't go for a single color only - that paint scheme you've got going is just too nice not to finish it up not that you've seen it laid down!

              I had to walk away from my project in frustration a number of times, but on reflection... those moments fade from memory while the delight of the finished product is there to stay.

              Good luck!


                Originally posted by rustybronco View Post
                Thanks for the kudos Pete, but I'm nothing more than a 'garage' painter...
                I know, you keep saying that

                Your results speak of someone experienced who knows a thing or two about painting

                Stan, two side covers... yeah that's not so bad still At least you don't have to sand back the whole base coat... ha!

                I think what you're saying about getting all the colour done then doing the clear in one go is a sensible idea and should work. At least it makes sense to me anyway.

                That way you won't be rushing to get things done within 24 hours or whatever, and trust me you don't want to be doing that because you will make mistakes!

                My paint job should've been done in three days, but it took six partly because I had no idea, partly because I made mistakes, but mainly because I made the decision a few times to just stop where I was and not push to get finished the same day as I knew I'd be rushing and I'd screw it up.

                Don't stress, as much of a bummer as it is seeing that happen and probably watching your can of clear going to waste (ouch, yeah that hurts!), you've learnt something and you won't make that mistake again.

                If I was to do my paint job again tomorrow, it would be 10 times better because now I know where I went wrong in some places and what to expect at different stages. Mind you I'd also buy a better gun but that's a different story

                Anyway, long story short, buck up and she'll be right mate ok?

                Oh, and with Dale on your side you're all set... and if Larry and Johnny Drummond pop in you'll have the whole shootin' match
                1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
                1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


                450 Refresh thread:

                Katana 7/11 thread:


                  Thanks Psy, yeah, I walk away in frustration as well, not too often, but rather that and cool down and think it though than do a half assed job.
                  Well it is not going to be easy to get it to look exactly like the original paint job, but we shall persevere.

                  Pete, ya Dale is a tome of knowledge, although he down plays it.
                  And I listen when he talks, I will just redo the covers but change a few things along the way, so no biggie, in the greater scheme of things it is a minor irritation, except the paint cost a bomb, oh well.
                  stopped in the garage as I left for work this morning and the clear coat was still good after 24hrs, so let see how long it lasts, certainly is opening up a lot more options already.


                    Stan, I would be a little bit leery using the clear after the products recommended times. it is a catalyzed product and the chemical hardening process started as soon as the two components were mixed. it may spray out of the can alright, but you don't know how much of its 'bite' into the other paint has been affected. you don't need to find out a few years later it wasn't a good idea after the paint starts coming off in sheets.

                    I'd be careful stretching the products recommended times.

                    my offer to send the Astro still stands.
                    De-stinking Penelope



                      Arrrhhhhh, thanks Dale, so much for the greatest laid plans of mice and men

                      Many many thanks for the offer Dale, but it really is not practical right now, as I said, it is not just the gun, it is the applicator behind the gun, and I am really happy with the product and the way it goes down is really great, so a top of the range gun ain't going to help me, anyway, i would need a compressor, and a booth etc etc.....

                      Bugger it, I am just going to rattle can the thing flat black and call it done.


                        Originally posted by Flyboy View Post
                        Bugger it, I am just going to rattle can the thing flat black and call it done.
                        You do and I'll haunt you to the ends of the earth.
                        De-stinking Penelope



                          Originally posted by Flyboy View Post
                          Bugger it, I am just going to rattle can the thing flat black and call it done.
                          Don't do that.
                          Stick with the original plan it'll be soo much better and really it will please you every time you look at it.

                          Don't say can't, as anything is possible with time and effort, but, if you don't have time things get tougher and require more effort.


                            Originally posted by Flyboy View Post
                            Arrrhhhhh, thanks Dale, so much for the greatest laid plans of mice and men

                            Many many thanks for the offer Dale, but it really is not practical right now, as I said, it is not just the gun, it is the applicator behind the gun, and I am really happy with the product and the way it goes down is really great, so a top of the range gun ain't going to help me, anyway, i would need a compressor, and a booth etc etc.....

                            Bugger it, I am just going to rattle can the thing flat black and call it done.
                            Stan, I think you would have half the GSR after your blood if a can of flat black even entered the vicinity of your garage...
                            1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
                            1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


                            450 Refresh thread:

                            Katana 7/11 thread:


                              Something you might be able to do is to wait for the clear that's on it to dry thoroughly and then sand it smooth with 600 grit, but not so far that you go into the colors, especially the black base coat. Then mask the stripes off inside the area that peeled away and spray a little more black base coat over the whole thing re-establishing the outer borders of the panels. Re-pinstripe and re-clear. The striped panels will be a little smaller, but it would at least hide the areas that lifted. Pinstriping tape doesn't like wet coats to begin with. The first few clear coats should be pretty dry, wait for an hour or so, then the last couple go ahead and wet em out a bit more to make sanding and polishing a little easier. This pretty much eliminates using what's left in your can, but you can always spray something else as a test to make sure it hasn't kicked off already. $200 a can sounds really expensive, man alive..I can understand your disappointment in not being able to use every drop of it.
                              1979 GS1000S,

                              1982 Honda CX500 Turbo, 1982 Honda MB5 w/CR80 motor, 1977 Honda "nekid" Goldwing, 1976 Honda CB550F cafe', 1972 Honda XL250 cafe'


                                THanks for your input Larry, it is greatly appriciated, I was hoping you would make a turn here.
                                I have already sanded the entire covers all the way down back to base coat/primer, so I will do it all from scratch, taking heed of the good advise that everyone is giving me.
                                I don't feel confident enough or have the skill to pull off a repair that is going to be good enough.
                                Hahaha, sorry Larry, didn't mean to give you heart failure, I meant R200 of our monopoly money, about $25 of your Dollars a can.

                                And relax okes, no flat black happening on my bike, not now, not ever, the only thing flat black on my bike is the tyres.
                                Just playin' with y'all.
                                Last edited by Guest; 11-21-2011, 05:10 PM.

