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Jennifer's Makeover

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    Sorry Paul, yeah, have not been around much the past two weeks, and must admit I have not touched a spanner or even had chance to put my nose into the garage.
    Truth is, I have been working myself ragged the last few weeks, it is 1am in the morning and I have just walked into the house after having left at 6am yesterday morning, and I will be outta here in four hours time again for another 18 hour stint, and so it has been for two weeks.
    So appologies for the lack of updates, but there is nothing to update, the ball of spaghetti is soaking in the Cleen green, where I left it two weeks ago, the Gixxer wheels I bought are still in the boot (trunk, for y'all on the wrong side of the Atlantic ) of my car, havn't even taken them out after picking them up.
    I think I should leave them there, I get to look at hem every time I open the boot to get my flight bag....will make them hard to flip though, damn, they are nice, musn't look too much.

    Had a bunch of plans lined up for the new year, and they fell flat on their ass, so busy working lat out on a new bunch, in the mean time too much to pay for, the little terror has to go in to have his adanoids and tonsils remover next week, and despite me giving the thieves at medical aid over a grand a month, oh no sorry, you will have to pay in seventeen hundred bucks.....are you kidding me??? Bunch of thieving SOB's.
    Oh well, it is my little one, what can I do, if it was seventeen grand, I would make a plan to find it.

    End of July I got a trip over to your side of the pond to Oshkosh that needs to be funded, and a few GSR folk counting on me to show up and share lies over cold beer and a camp fire until the wee hours of the morning, I could never let my friends down, so come hell or high water, I will be there.
    Gotta go shopping for my 1150EF after all...

    Went to see the product manager at Pferd, the abrasives guys, and he organised me two awesome new polishing wheels to test run, thier latest fibre compound, except now I have to buy a bench polisher to mount them, like it or not. Apparently these fibre wheels will cut poor Sci's 15 hours of manual labour down to around an hour.
    Anyway too tired to rant anymore, rant off.

    I will try and get into the garage this weekend, and make some headway on Jennifer, so I have something to post up after the weekend, I promise, and thanks for noticing I have been missing, pretty cool.

    Off to bed.....................................


      Originally posted by Flyboy View Post
      the little terror has to go in to have his adanoids and tonsils remover next week, and despite me giving the thieves at medical aid over a grand a month, oh no sorry, you will have to pay in seventeen hundred bucks.....are you kidding me??? Bunch of thieving SOB's.
      Oh well, it is my little one, what can I do, if it was seventeen grand, I would make a plan to find it.
      Hang in there on this one Stan. I too am wondering what's coming with Cheyenne now as we found out from her sleep study test Friday that she has obstructive sleep apnea and might need to be hooked up to a CPAP machine at night. Of course we'll want the ENT doctor to look at her as well first.

      Like you've told me, keep your chin up and know it will get better.
      Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

      1981 GS550T - My First
      1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
      2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

      Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
      Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
      and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"


        Shame, Scott, I feel for her, obstructive sleep apnea is the most dibilitating things a person can suffer from, it leaves you like a zombie and brings with it a whole bunch of other problems like high blood pressure, slows the metobolism to a crawl, I would not wish it on my worst enemy, ask me how I know, I have suffered from it for years, and not a damn thing I can afford to do about it, I guess I will just have to wait for it to eventually kill me.
        Someone who does not suffer from it can not even imagine how dibilitating it is to a person.
        I know they are not cheap but the cap machine will really change her life around like she will not believe, please do it, as soon a you have the means.
        There are other things you can look at that can help as well, that are less spendy, have a look at getting her fitted with an oral fitting that she wears at night, it looks just like a gum guard, that fitts over the teeth, and it holds the lower jaw forward while she sleeps, thus not allowing it to recess back and block the airway, a lot more comfortable and less bulky than the cap machine and a whole lot cheaper.
        Unfortunately it did not work for me, I grind my teeth and broke three of the things before I realised it was not going to work for me.
        But they have worked for a lot of people, maybe something to look into.


 they say it always gets better......hang tough, and the little one will like the ice cream, all he can eat......

          I can help you out with the polishing wheels, I have a nice 8" bench grinder I can put them onto and try them out for you.....


            Damn Flyboy,

            With hours like that I would think you have joined the military. I went through that about three weeks ago. Was at work for way to f@@@@@@ long and home way to little. Other than the bill though the operation for the little one will probably go well un-noticed. They had a clown come in and play around with my brother when he did his back in the day. He said the dude was making silly jokes while they were sedating him then, he broke a out a big air filled mallet and pretended to whack him in the head and that was the last thing he remembered, till he woke up in the recovery room and the nurse asked him what flavor of ice cream he wanted. I won' t even get started on the Insurance Company people. Good luck bro keep hanging in eventually it will come to an end. At least you get paid when you work a lot of extra hours, lol, my pay check stays the same.



              Did not realize that he was a salary man, my apologies... new you were a pilot just did not know that it was a salary job, I kind of thought that pilots were paid either by the hour or the trip. Consider me educated.



                There will be no apologising on my thread, its a free for all, crack a cold one and help yourselves you are both right, my full time job as charter pilot is a salaried one, no matter if I fly one hour or a hundred for the month, so it is stable income, but times are hard, the market is quite so salaries are not great, so I moonight two other jobs to make extra cash, I give part time flight instruction and I do lecturing of the theory subjects for the Commercial and Airline Transport lisenses, both of which pay by the hour, so the longer I am in front of the white board or in the air, the more I earn.

                Dan, everyone is considered more important than pilots, even the dogs that keep the birds off the airfield, pilots are considered third class citizens by most of civilization, reprobates and scoff laws, I tell you, pilots are only cool dudes in the movies.


                  Originally posted by Flyboy View Post
                  Dan, everyone is considered more important than pilots, even the dogs that keep the birds off the airfield, pilots are considered third class citizens by most of civilization, reprobates and scoff laws, I tell you, pilots are only cool dudes in the movies.
                  Not in my book!

                  Stan, your not going to disappoint me if you don't have the time to come over here in July. Get your son fixed up, your projects finished and your bank account replenished. I am saving up to make it over your way the early part of next year, we can always swap lies then.
                  De-stinking Penelope



                    Stan, your not going to disappoint me if you don't have the time to come over here in July
                    Shhhhhhhh don't let the minister of fun hear that, she thinks otherwise.


                      Well then, we''ll have to keep up the ruse for the 'fun governors' benefit won't we!
                      De-stinking Penelope



                        Ok, finally got some work in, and a few pics for y'alls perusal, been tinkering along with the wiring harness mostly, since the last update, but its been slow going as life has a way of keeping one otherwise occupied from time to time, and so it has been.
                        Luckily it is pretty clean work, so to speak, so I have been able to do it in the house in the evenings small bits at a time, today it was into the garage to carry on with it on the bike, as there is a lot that needs to be done on the bike itself and a wiring diagram just isn't good enough.
                        So, just like reading the Sunday paper, I started at the back and worked my way forward.

                        Yes, yes, I know, I have to loosen the rear mudguard to route the wiring under the steel brace....

                        Electrical panel all wired up

                        Then I decided that a few of the peripheral bits that plug into the harness need to be in place to get things right properly as they should be, actually I got bored playing with the spaghetti so I turned my attention to the handle bar controls, started with the left.

                        This is what I have to deal with

                        Yep, that is some form of wildlife on the corner of the steel backing plate, I know, I know Dale, "leave him be, he don't eat much".....sorry, not going to happen.
                        And yes that board is cracked clean in half.......don't ask.
                        Luckily along with zip ties and duct tape, this stuff holds the world together.

                        Beware the pinggones, yes, one, I will be spending the better part of next Sunday morning on my hands and knees on the garage floor.

                        Much better

                        Even some new connectors and new sleeving.


                          Sheeesh and all I did was wrap my harness up in some new electrical tape, dabbed some di-electric grease on all the connections, cleaned them up and and called it a day....

                          very nice work.....should be good as you say another 30 years.....

                          did ya feed the bug ?????


                            Unfortunately the light is not good and my cheap camera is no better, so it really does not show up nicely, but trust me on this, this is about as close as you are ever going to get to the original OEM colour, it is a dead ringer, seriously.
                            I am super happy with it.

                            Mounted the bars for chits and giggles, so I could sit and make vrooom vrooom noises.

                            Oh yeah, and I said a while back that i got the little storage locker under the tail done.


                              No GK, I never fed the bug....


                                Originally posted by Flyboy View Post
                                Unfortunately the light is not good and my cheap camera is no better, so it really does not show up nicely, but trust me on this, this is about as close as you are ever going to get to the original OEM colour, it is a dead ringer, seriously.
                                I am super happy with it.

                                looks good, can I ask what you used, and how well will it hold up...

                                I have just stripped down my right and left levers, and their housings, now they are shiny aluminum, and was not sure what to use to paint them with, all the stuff so far that I have used and painted, chips really easy, and it makes me mad, so I am wondering is there something that will hold up a bit better.......I mean the moment I tighten up a screw on any part, there goes the paint.....

                                I also need to do the master cylinder for the front brake, so it will have to stand up to brake fluid as well.....

                                any thoughts....?

