Now, after returning home about 2 months ago from 5+ months of work out of state, I finally begin my project thread...(I promise not to be so long-winded in subsequent updates)
About me:
I've owned one motorcycle before this, a completely stock(if it ain't broke, don't fix it) Yamaha Seca XJ600s, and loved it(all but the 4200rpm buzz from the front fairing that I never found a way to stop, short of removing the fairing altogether. It was nearly a year after selling the Seca when the bike bug really began to bite hard. I was already set on finding something simple and perhaps a little larger for longer rides(and perhaps more spirited riding) A GS model would have fit my criteria easily; although, I hadn't really considered one. There weren't any around locally and I wasn't that well informed on model/engine histories much then either. I sat on the fence for a while watching the classifieds for a decent used bike that fit my needs & budget... Perhaps a Honda or another Yamaha needing some new tires, a carb job, and a little paint?
That's when I stumbled on this old GS and decided a real project bike was the way to go, and began hunting for what parts I could find(and budget) to put it back together in a slightly sportier, intimidating, and updated configuration... and then dreamed about riding all that summer long!

It was in decent restorable shape when he took it to a "guy from church" who was supposed fix the old girl up for him(using a few cosmetic parts from a donor GS he had picked up for cheap)... The guy soon after stopped answering phone calls and then completely disappeared(more likely just didn't want to be found). When the PO and his son went to get his bike back they found the bike had been picked for parts and the donor bike was no where to be found.

After all that the PO was still regretfully selling his old bike. He was starting a kitchen remodel project and he already bought a new cruiser to satisfy his riding needs - and, I think it was to much for him to see the bike sit there in the condition it now was in.

The beginning(minus the crazy huge road cruiser fairing with built in radio):
