OFD stands for Obsessive Fabrication Disorder. I like to make stuff, and the first step is going to be making an airbox and air filter housing assembly out of aluminum. I bought an airbox, thinking the air filter was in it (like my G). Finding out that the filter was seperate, I advertised for one and hunted around on ebay - no luck. 7981GS offered one as a template so I could make one, but Rustybronco is local to me and was cool enough to offer his for me to reverse engineer. I decided to make a new airbox out of aluminum too, so it would be easier to install and remove. This is what I came up with:
These are the three views. I tried to get the interior volumes of these boxes to match the originals as close as possible, so the air management would be close to stock. I can't see how a set of pods would improve the flow much over this system. Here is a better side view:
The stock air filter box had roughly 6 1/2 square inches of opening for air inlet into the box, so I will add (22) 5/8" diameter holes to replicate that. After designing the filter housing, I did a quick cardboard mock-up to make sure it would actually fit:
I will make better posterboard mock-ups before I start butchering up the aluminum.
The overall plan for the bike is to improve the suspension and make it a little better handling than stock. I am considering making an aluminum swingarm, and swapping on an inverted front end. Maybe some Works shocks, a different seat, etc. I am suspecting that the twisted "highway bars" were installed too tight and may have dimpled the frame, so I'm not too worried about destroying a museum piece. Overall the bike is in decent condition, and will be perfect for this project.
Once again - big thanks to Dale for trusting me and loaning out his air filter box. As fast as this bike is - I could've installed it and been to California with it before he even knew it was gone!