Website Status

All areas operational!


The redesign of the website is now complete!

This project has taken one year to complete and I have to say that this has been quite the project. Here is some of the new features incorporated into the new website.

  • The website has been redesigned using the latest web programming languages (PHP5, Javascript, MySQL), methods and paradigms (MVC). There is no vendor specific code being used for any of the website. This vendor-neutral approach keeps us from having to change code anytime a vendor decides to change something on their end. It also makes it where the website will work on all mainstream browsers.
  • The website is now completely responsive. That means that regardless of what kind of device the pages are viewed on, they should render properly and adjust to the size of your screen accordingly.
  • All webpages have been reformatted to make them easier to read.
  • Most data on the site is stored in a MySQL database and pages are created dynamically based on the data. This reduces the need to hand code HTML pages every time an addition is made to the data intensive areas of the website such as the Owner's Registry, Photo Gallery and BOTM sections.
  • New functionality to allow users to edit their Owner's Registry entries without involving an editor in most cases.
  • A system which allows Bike of the Month (BOTM) entries to be submitted through the website instead of having to be submitted via email.
  • More flexibility when submitting pictures for the Bike of the Month (BOTM) and Photo Gallery. .JPG, .GIF and .PNG images are now accepted along with a larger filesize limit.
  • New functionality was created to allow editors to process Owner's Registry, Photo Gallery and BOTM submissions using forms versus doing things by hand. This prevents user errors and reduces the time spent processing these items.
  • A new webhost to reduce webpage load times and reduce website downtime.

Website Statistics

For the geeks out there, here are some of the numbers behind the new website.

  • 518 files
  • 1497 images
  • 7614 lines of PHP code
  • 4428 lines of CSS code
  • 6882 lines of HTML code
  • 11.2 calendar months to complete
  • ??? man-hours to complete (in my spare time)